Thursday, January 29, 2009

Welcome back folks!! Last time we were creating a list of what are the top ten coolest things to buy with a 100 million dollars. Well we're kicking things off today with lucky number 7:
7)A private jet. One of the best buys you can make. I mean think about it. No more queing up to clear immigration or having to book tickets or sharing a cramped airplne with food more approatiely served to some dogs.Bet you're already writing me a big cheaque for telling you this huh?Anyway, being whisked off on a private jet to a tropical island is a very extraordinary feeling and you should at least try it once. Cost from 6million to 10million to buy and $1800 to $5000 an hour to rent.
6)This might sound silly, but you'll thank me. A really,really ,super good personal trainer.I mean come on, you want to be rich but die at the age of 30 because you weighed more than half a dozen cows and had a heart weaker than an infant's??This weigh you can stay healthy, fit and still enjoy your money. Cost depends on your defination of "really,really,super good".
5)A P2P Virtual Super Computer. With this baby you can play or watch videos with no lag AT ALL. And if you need to download anything at all, wham!! Before you can even blink. it's done.(That's complete nonsense, but you get the picture)All for a reasonable $80 000.
Unfortunately this is it for today.( I'm flying off to Hawaii so i don't have to hand in my maths project. Don't tell Mr Lee, there's a thousand bucks in it for you....) Number 1 will be revealed in my next post.
(All this information is obtained from
Today I'm going to do something very,very interesting. I'm going to teach you how to spend a 100 million dollars!(notice i say spend and not invest, that means no putting it in a bank no, buying insurance blah blah blah.None of that boring stuff.I'm talking private jets and living like there's no tomorrow! Woooo!) Alright first here's the list of the coolest thing you can buy with a 100 million dollars(Man! Don't you just love saying that, a 100 million dollars!! I never get tired of it!!) These are the ones that crack the top ten:
10) A private submarine. Now you can arrive at Sentosa Island in style! It cost about two million for ten passenger space.(You know for all the pretty girls you're going to be bringing home!!)
9)A car.(now i know what you're thinking,"so unoriginal, a car???Pfffftttt") But that's not it. The car will be needed but what you really,really want is the Bazooka NOS-8 system! It's a nitrous system allowing your car to reach speeds of over 250km/h!!!(I don't suggest you drive it in Singapore, your fine will be so big I won't have to finish this list...)Cost about 800 dollars.
8)A Malibu beach house. It does not neccesarily have to be in Malibu, but you get my point.I mean getting to kick back and relax on the beach everyday watching the waves. Not to mention the girls in their bikinis during summer break.Cos about 18million dollars.
Well that's it for today tune in next time for the rest of the list.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For this week's post I'l pe talking about "dai di" or big two in Hokkein. The game is very popular in East Asia and South East Asia, where it originated, especially Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan(however they are not widely played in casinos)(I have a theory that's becasue it does not require a dealer,meaning the casino has no chance of winning). Before I start, here's a quick run down of the rules:The game uses a standard 52-card deck, with thirteen cards in four suits. Spades (♠) is the highest suit, followed by hearts (♥), then clubs (also called clovers) (♣), then diamonds (♦). The order of the cards are as follow: two is the biggest(hence the name), followed by aces,then kings,then queens and so on.Cards may be played as singles or in groups of two, or five, in combinations which resemble poker hands.The object of the game is to be the first to get rid of all of your cards first. The combination of their cards and their rankings are as follows:Single cards(the lousiest). Any card from the deck, ordered by rank with suit being the tie-breaker.Pairs(second lousiest). Any two cards of the same number,using the highest suit as the tie breaker.Five-card hands(the best, there are six different combinations). Ranking, from low to high, as follows:
Straight: Any 5 cards in a sequence (but not all of the same suit). Rank is determined by the highest valued card with the suit used only as a tie-breaker.
Straight Flush: A composite of the straight and flush: five cards in sequence in the same suit. Ranked the same as straights, suit being a tie-breaker.
Flush (also called flower): Any 5 cards of the same suit (but not necessary in a sequence). Rank is determined by highest valued card, and then by highest suit.
Full House: a composite of a three-of-a-kind combination and a pair. Rank is determined by the value of the triple, regardless of the value of the pair.
Four of a kind: Any set of 4 cards of the same rank, plus any 5th card. (A 4 of a kind cannot be played unless it is played as a 5-card hand) Rank is determined by the value of the 4 card set, regardless of the value of the 5th card.
Royal Flush: Is the same as straight flush, but only limits to 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace. This is the highest possible combination, only a royal flush with a higher suit can beat it. Therefore, 10♠, Jack♠, Queen♠, King♠ and Ace♠ is the highest combination in the game.
Here's something you might not have noticed,you cannot use a two in five card combinations. And now on to how to play. At the beginning of each game, the player with the 3♦ starts by either playing it singly or as part of a combination. Play proceeds counter-clockwise, with normal climbing-game rules applying: each player must play a higher card or combination than the one before, with the same number of cards. Players may also pass, thus declaring that he does not want to play (or does not hold the necessary cards to make a play possible). When all but one of the players have passed in succession the round is over, and the cards are gathered up and a new round is started by the last player to play. When a player plays the 2♠ either as a single or as part of a pair of twos, it is often customary for that player to start the next round immediately by leading a new card or combination.
The game continues until all but one player runs out of cards. The first one to run out of cards is then declared victorious, and wins the game, however the game continues usually to fight for pride until only one player remains with cards in his/her hand.
In most game ending with a two is not allowed.(so keep that in mind.would'nt want you to lose all your money jus because of a minute detail)In a 4-player game, when a player is dealt a 13-card straight (2-A-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3, which is called a "Dragon", and they need not be of the same suit), the player is deemed to have won the game immediately. And a fun fact about the "Dragon": you are likely to only get every 9462 games!! Well that's the end of this post.

By the way, it it customary to reward the person who has been so very kind as to patiently teach you how to play "dai di"....I take cheaque,credit cards,cash even discount coupons, you can just mail them to me.
All information gotten from where would we be without them?

Monday, January 26, 2009

YAY!!!!!!!It's finally Chinese New Year!!!!You know what that packets!!!!!!However today for my post i will not be talking about that.Instead, I will be discussing about gambling during Chinese New Year. Most chinese belive that during Chinese New Year the God of fortune we be with them and therefore gambling is very common occurence when relatives meet,be it playing mahjong or a game of poker. Now, I know what you're thinking:"Oh man, this blog post is going to be about the dangers of gambling blah blah blah..." Well its not.I will be talking about my experience with gambling(don't worry i broke even at about the fourth hour mark)(I'm just kidding, I used the chips but we did no play with money). The two games i played were Texas Hold 'Em Poker and "dai di"(big two, sort of the cantonese version of poker). Before i start here's a quick rundown of the rules of Texas Hold 'Em Poker:The dealer shuffles a standard 52-card deck. Each player is dealt two cards, face down. These are known as the "hole cards."
A round of betting takes place, beginning with the player to the left of the two who posted the blinds. Players can call(match the bet), raise(increase the bet), or fold(give up) when it's their turn to bet.
After the first betting round, the dealer discards the top card of the deck. This is called burning the card and is done to ensure that no one accidentally saw the top card, and to help prevent cheating.
The dealer then flips the next three cards face up on the table. These cards are called the "flop."
After the flop, another round of betting takes place, beginning with the player to the left of the dealer.During this and all future rounds of betting, players can check, call, raise, or fold when it's their turn to bet.
The dealer burns another card and plays one more face up onto the table. This, the fourth community card, is called the "turn" or "Fourth Street."
The player to the left of the dealer begins the third round of betting.
The dealer burns another card before placing the final face-up card on the table. This card is called the "river" or "Fifth Street."
Players can now use any combination of seven cards -- the five community cards and the two hole cards known only to them -- to form the best possible five-card Poker hand.
The fourth and final round of betting starts with the player to the left of the dealer.
After the final betting round, all players who remain in the game reveal their hands. The player who made the initial bet or the player who made the last raise shows their hand first.
The player with the best hands wins.

Bluffing and reading your opponents emotions and habits are important.(however if it's the first round of betting and you have no matching cards at all you should'nt throw all your money in, thinking that you can bluff them. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience.) Remembering your opponents habits are extremely important, for example your opponents might touch his ear when he's bluffing or lick his lips when he's got a good hand. These will tell you what kind of cards he has and how you should proceed, call,raise or fold.These are the basics of Texas Hold 'Em Poker, my young padawan. I know it may sound easy but trust me it takes years of practice and A LOT of money to become a master.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today for my post I’ll be reviewing the past movies as well as commenting on the upcoming movies. First up is Twilight. Here's a quick rundown of the storyline:When Bella's mother remarries and sends her to live with her father in the little town of Forks, Washington, she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen - a boy unlike any she's ever met. Intelligent and witty, he sees straight into her soul. Soon, Bella and Edward are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance, for Edward is a vampire. But he doesn't have fangs, and he doesn't drink human blood, as Edward and his family are unique among vampires in their lifestyle choice. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. Personally i don't like it. Firstly, It's too slow and there's hardly any action in it. And they have got all their vampire facts all messed up,its a freaking miracle that it grossed 181million dollars!!. Firstly, vampires do need sleep and they sleep in coffins not designer houses. Secondly, and most insulting, vampires do not sparkle in the sun like freaking 100carat diamonds! They burn, shrivel up, and DIE! It’s an insult to vampires everywhere! So as a conclusion you can watch it if you like romance stories or if you like the book, however you will be sorely disappointed if you're looking for a classic vampire thriller.

The next movie is Transformer’s: Rise Of The Fallen. Michael Bay (the director) is keeping it a secret, but rumor has it that the sequel to the hugely successful Transformers movie will be based upon the Unicorn saga. Basically, Unicorn is an ancient robot race that has revived megatron and is now using him to reclaim the all spark (a cube which is the source of life to the Autobots and Decepticons) to make a whole new army. There are two new Transformers - the Decepticon Soundwave and an ancient transformer known as The Fallen (reportedly a disciple of Unicorn). . It will be starring Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel and Isabel Lucas.We can only hope that it will meet expectations set by its predecessor.

Next up we will be reviewing Some facts and figures about the war at the Gaza Strip
It is crucial that one has her/his facts straight about Israel’s war on Gaza. What events brought about this dreadful situation? What needs to be done to make it stop? These questions will be answered in the content of this article, using concrete facts from a variety of news sources.
360 square kilometers of the Gaza Strip, a small but troubled region bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt, and Israel. According to the World Fact book, over one million people live in the Gaza Strip, and most are of Palestinian Arab ethnicity. Over 6,000 Israeli settlers also live in Gaza.
1. Palestinians have killed 123 Israeli children and Israelis have killed 1,050 Palestinian children since September 29, 2000.
2.1,062 Israelis and at least 4,876 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000
· 3.8,341 Israelis and 33,034 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000.
· 4.During Fiscal Year 2007, the U.S. gave more than $6.8 million per day to Israeal and $0.3 million per day to the Palestinians
· 5.Israel has been targeted by at least 65 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by none
· 1 Israeli is being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 10,756 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel
· 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 18,147 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967
· The Israeli unemployment rate is 7.3%, while the Palestinian unemployment is estimated at 23%.