Thursday, January 29, 2009

Welcome back folks!! Last time we were creating a list of what are the top ten coolest things to buy with a 100 million dollars. Well we're kicking things off today with lucky number 7:
7)A private jet. One of the best buys you can make. I mean think about it. No more queing up to clear immigration or having to book tickets or sharing a cramped airplne with food more approatiely served to some dogs.Bet you're already writing me a big cheaque for telling you this huh?Anyway, being whisked off on a private jet to a tropical island is a very extraordinary feeling and you should at least try it once. Cost from 6million to 10million to buy and $1800 to $5000 an hour to rent.
6)This might sound silly, but you'll thank me. A really,really ,super good personal trainer.I mean come on, you want to be rich but die at the age of 30 because you weighed more than half a dozen cows and had a heart weaker than an infant's??This weigh you can stay healthy, fit and still enjoy your money. Cost depends on your defination of "really,really,super good".
5)A P2P Virtual Super Computer. With this baby you can play or watch videos with no lag AT ALL. And if you need to download anything at all, wham!! Before you can even blink. it's done.(That's complete nonsense, but you get the picture)All for a reasonable $80 000.
Unfortunately this is it for today.( I'm flying off to Hawaii so i don't have to hand in my maths project. Don't tell Mr Lee, there's a thousand bucks in it for you....) Number 1 will be revealed in my next post.
(All this information is obtained from

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