Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today I'm going to do something very,very interesting. I'm going to teach you how to spend a 100 million dollars!(notice i say spend and not invest, that means no putting it in a bank no, buying insurance blah blah blah.None of that boring stuff.I'm talking private jets and living like there's no tomorrow! Woooo!) Alright first here's the list of the coolest thing you can buy with a 100 million dollars(Man! Don't you just love saying that, a 100 million dollars!! I never get tired of it!!) These are the ones that crack the top ten:
10) A private submarine. Now you can arrive at Sentosa Island in style! It cost about two million for ten passenger space.(You know for all the pretty girls you're going to be bringing home!!)
9)A car.(now i know what you're thinking,"so unoriginal, a car???Pfffftttt") But that's not it. The car will be needed but what you really,really want is the Bazooka NOS-8 system! It's a nitrous system allowing your car to reach speeds of over 250km/h!!!(I don't suggest you drive it in Singapore, your fine will be so big I won't have to finish this list...)Cost about 800 dollars.
8)A Malibu beach house. It does not neccesarily have to be in Malibu, but you get my point.I mean getting to kick back and relax on the beach everyday watching the waves. Not to mention the girls in their bikinis during summer break.Cos about 18million dollars.
Well that's it for today tune in next time for the rest of the list.

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